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Sassy Pants!

Yes we have at least two of them. Tory my cow-dog not so much but the two little ones, Oh my! They are the queen bees around here. They both have their routines that you just can't change. For instance, where they ride in the truck. My darling Yorkie Sweets has to be with me riding on a pillow in my lap while Daisy Doodle likes the center console so she can see more.

Tory has the whole back set to herself and is quite content there. Every once in a while she will poke her head up for a kiss but otherwise loves the room she has without her little sisters being mean to her.Yes they rule the roost! When they get hungry at night they have to grab a few pieces and run all the way across the room to their blanket to eat them. Silly girls.

Do you have a sassy pants? What are their quirks?

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